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May 13, 2024

CIADA Partners With SmartGroups™

Partnership Introduces Innovative Program to Make 20 Groups Accessible to Smaller Dealerships – And Pays Group Members’ Association Dues

The Carolinas Independent Automobile Dealers Association has joined with SmartGroups™ in a partnership that includes picking up the tab for dealers’ CIADA dues – and introduces a groundbreaking new way to put the advantages of 20 Group membership within reach of virtually every dealer.

As part of the partnership, SmartGroups: 20 Groups Reimagined will pay the annual state association dues for any independent dealer in North or South Carolina who joins a SmartGroups 20 Group, whether the dealer is a current member of the association or not.

That applies to any dealers from those states who are already members of a SmartGroup.

The joint venture includes education and training opportunities for CIADA’s member dealers.

CIADA executive director John Brown said the expertise of SmartGroups founder and CEO Justin Osburn is a key piece of the partnership.

“I've known Justin for many years and value his knowledge and ability to connect personally with our members,” Brown said. “CIADA is pleased to partner with SmartGroups to bring more quality education to our member dealers and welcomes its focus on reaching both small and large dealers with first-class resources.”

The partnership also creates an innovative new concept in 20 Groups, designed to be far more cost-effective and accessible to smaller operations.

SmartGroups Lite are state-specific 20 Groups featuring meetings held in the dealers’ home state with an accelerated two-day schedule, minimizing the time spent away from the dealership and the costs of travel, accommodations and meeting expenses.

Members of SmartGroups Lite will still have the benefit of the industry’s best moderators/consultants and best meeting content, topics and speakers, but in less time and at lower cost.

“We’re excited to launch a very first in 20 Groups,” Osburn said. “Low prorates, no air travel necessary, all dealers from within the state. Thanks to CIADA, this is literally the most affordable 20 Group program ever offered to retail dealers in the Carolinas.”

Lite 20 Groups will be available in every state in which the IADA is partnered with SmartGroups, and SmartGroups will pay the state IADA dues for all members of the Lite Groups.

If your state IADA isn’t partnered with SmartGroups and you’re interested in joining a SmartGroups Lite, contact your state association’s executive director or email SmartGroups director Howard Bullock at

For Dealers located in North Carolina go to:

For Dealers Located in South Carolina go to: